G325 Section A: a)

January 2011:
Describe how you developed your skills in the use of digital technology for media production and evaluate how these skills contributed to your creative decision making. SKILLS DEVELOPMENT

FROM AS to A2:

Trill, Blogger, Infographics (Piktochart, Infogram), Presentational tools (Emaze, SlideShare, Prezi), NewHive
At A2, I used ScoopIt, the online collation tool to research film openings and genre codes and conventions. Scoop It collected all my internet bookmarks onto one page and, as it is interactive, it made suggestions based on my key terms. This was useful as it introduced me to film openings that I had not seen. I used Scoop.it at A2 to curate pages on Film Trailers, film posters and film magazines. It is also useful as it has an 'insights' dialogue box that let me post my textual analysis immediately under the example that I had scooped.
At AS, to communicate efficiently with my group and to work collaboratively outside the classroom, we set up the platforms Google Docs, What's App and Face Time. At A2, we continued with these platforms because GoogleDocs was still very effective for detailed planning like the Shot List and What's App instant, free and user-friendly for our group who are all heavy smart phone users. At A2, we also used Skype when we needed to discuss and debate during the planning process, such as when we were having heated debates about finalizing the treatment. GoogleDocs came in once discussions resulted in consensus, allowing us to record our agreed outcomes.

In addition, when we started to develop our film idea we began communicating via text message
At AS, I used the social network Street Life to source props such as hospital gowns and masks. Street Life is a neighborhood social network that thrives on the trust that local people have in each other. Often, goods are offered free or for loan, At A2, I widened my searches by using GumTree to source props a bit further afield.

At AS, we used YouTube to host additional poduction material for character development by scripting then filming our protagonist being 'hot seated' in an interview. By asking our protagonist a series of searching questions, we could direct him with more confidence as we knew his motivations. This was important in our thriller film where we present a character that develops paranoia and becomes a dangerous control freak.

In addition, to the fact that

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